Saturday, 25 October 2014

Coming back to ME/CFS.....and running away again! A few things to cover.

It's finished!

My book is published. My story is out there, people have bought it and are reading it. Hopefully it will reach far and wide.

It was wonderful and a relief to complete and finally publish. The plan was to publish my results and recovery story through the book, let people know about the book being available - and then move on. To walk, or rather run, as fast as possible in the other direction.
It is a shame though that this illness is still being discussed; that M.E. or “CFS” still exists, that so many people are still going through it. It is because I’ve had such a great deal of interest and a lot of questions about my book and recovery that I’ve come to post a blog to cover a few points.
It's been a strange coming back into the ME/CFS world to start letting people know about my recovery after leading a normal active life for some time now. It is so very important though that true recovery stories are publicised and sufferers know people do recover -  and how they did it. 
I know it was the recovery stories that kept me going. 
Mostly it’s been heart-breaking coming back online to let sufferers know about my book being available and read that others still going through life as I did with M.E. or “CFS”. Many great people are coping amazingly because, well, they have to. Others are clearly not coping and understandably so. This was the reason for writing my story. I couldn’t just walk away and get on with my life knowing so many are still going through what I did.
My medical test results were so significant - and shocking, that I wished to pass them on. If I’d had this information when I first became ill I would not have suffered so long with a painful physical disability which destroyed my life for over 15 years.
It's not incurable.
Unfortunately I have found that terribly, some are spreading a myth that ME/CFS is incurable. It is not incurable. People I know personally have made full recoveries from ME/CFS, they’ve gone on to have normal and very active, busy lives even after many years of debilitating illness, without any recurrence of symptoms. I’ve also heard of others who have recovered through people I have met. 
This seems to be a relatively new thing. While I was still unwell it was communicated that recovery is indeed possible from ME/CFS - that people do recover completely and get their full physical ability back. I was severely ill with ME/CFS for over 15 years and have fully recovered.  It is untrue that there is no cure or effective treatment. In my case it was basic, simple and low cost but for me in the end it took a great deal of research, a process of elimination and the correct tests to get to the bottom of what was actually biochemically wrong. The illness had a definite and identifiable specific underlying biochemical and physical cause which then leads to very real and awful physically disabling problems in the body.
If you have ME/CFS you simply must ignore these comments completely. No-one knows if any particular person can or will be cured until the correct tests and treatment are obtained. In my case it was not until I accessed private medical tests through fully accredited laboratories. It is most definitely not a terminal illness. I was horrified to see this being falsely spread around.
Find inspiration.
Of course there may be some who don’t wish others to be well. There may be some who fear they will not get the same result that I did. I can understand that, I took many chances along the way. I still took them though – if I hadn’t I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Gladly though there are also many hugely supportive and encouraging people, who want nothing more than everyone to do well.
It is possible that there are some who do not wish this cause of illness to be known and this will become clearer through the book.  There will be those who don’t like what I have written. One of the most important things I have learnt through recovering from ME/CFS though and will pass on; focus on the positive and moving forward to recovery, finding the answer for you.
The people who are doing great things and inspire me each and every day ignore those who will try to bring them down. Stay strong, stay focussed!
So far I have had such lovely comments from people who have read the book, which in themselves made the writing and hard work so worthwhile. Their comments have been heart-warming (thank you so much). But I know there will likely be the negative. I certainly don’t wish this to affect or put off those who are trying to help themselves, who are focussed on recovery and looking for information through recovery stories.
Ignoring any negativity around me and taking positive action for myself was so important in the end to find a way to recover. I believed for a few years I would have to wait for someone else to cure me. I sat or lay in pain, utterly exhausted and weak hoping that someone would come along and help me, provide all the answers and sort it all out for me - and yes for a while I had total faith that if there was a cure the National Health Service would provide it. I feel different now. I realised I needed to get the correct treatment for myself. I’d had enough of waiting after years of being disabled and took things into my own hands; I had to go and get the required help outside of the NHS. It wasn’t ideal but my life was too important.
Myself and my family could’ve continued on and tried to use the little energy and strength I had trying to campaign for better NHS treatment and asking why is no-one helping while getting nowhere, or simply carried on just suffering in silence (which to be honest seemed to be what was expected of me). I didn’t, being so disabled for the rest of my life was not acceptable, I wasn’t putting up with it. In the end I took control and did whatever I had to for myself to get well.
The cause was basic science. This in itself is shocking, but the true cause even more so. It is something already known about and has been for many, many years. It is serious but there is known medical treatment easily available. It is widely published in medical and science journals and the information is available to everyone.
The quiet recoveries.
Some who’ve had M.E. or “CFS” recover and just move on with their busy lives to never mention ME/CFS again -  that is great! I can see why. Busy normal life takes over, there is so much to do and catch up on. Thankfully I too am now on the other side of the illness looking in. I didn’t ever know if I would be. I can see now that every symptom and finding people talk about or report on regarding ME/CFS could be traced back to being caused by what was found in my case. It’s also possible that it is the causal factor in other neurological illnesses.  From the biological processes and the research articles I found on the cause of my illness, I can see how it could be linked to a number of other neurological problems and so my results and treatment may impact on them also.
Gladly I find biochemistry relatively easy, I’d studied it for two years at university. At the time I admit it wasn’t my favourite subject but it was a major part of my course, the more I studied it I came to enjoy it and you had to do well in to pass! We also had a pretty strict and determined lecturer! (I must look him up and thank him one day).  This meant I could eventually, in hindsight especially; see how the processes occurring in the illness were linked; how the cause had led to these processes failing and how they then had caused the various physiological dysfunctions throughout the body. It has been a case of pulling together linked information from various sources. It is unfortunate it took so long to find what was actually wrong.
Staying focussed. For yourself.
Now I know the cause of illness in my case I believe there is a vast amount of confusing misinformation/distraction on the illness. To what end? Focus is what is needed.  If other ME/CFS sufferers have the same underlying biochemical cause that I had, I believe patients are going to need to pull together and take their own action themselves to get it investigated and treated correctly.
Since recovering I undertook a first aid course as a requirement of my job, it was a 3 day course for professionals to meet health and safety act requirements. It was an interesting and detailed course, well presented by a fantastic emergency nurse with years of experience in the accident and emergency hospital department.  On the last day of the course he covered the cause of illness as had been found in my case.... yes, in a first aid course, so it is indeed known about yet still it hadn’t been investigated in all my years of illness. 
There appears to be a lack of understanding that severe chronic and acute forms of the same illness can have the same cause and so same effective treatment.
My private test results explain to me why national healthcare providers are having difficulty dealing with this correctly for patients to reach recovery.  While this cause of illness should be common knowledge among all medics I believe it is unlikely this will be routinely investigated by healthcare providers, possibly due to either lack of accepted knowledge, government healthcare policy or potential economic issues. It really should be investigated by patients’ medics though and I hope this will start to occur if patients start to take action for themselves as I did. Patients collectively could certainly change this. 
Sufferers need to obtain correct and reliable testing.
Sad reports.
Very sadly according to reports I have read it seems that often bullying, victim blaming and disbelief appears to have been a default treatment toward those with the illness, rather than dealing with it correctly and efficiently for patients to get their physical ability back and get on with life. This can lead to sufferers being made to feel they are the cause of their own illness. In my mind this only serves to weaken the ill further. 
Further, if indeed all sufferers with M.E. or “CFS” have the same biochemical and physical cause as in my case CBT and GET at the very least are dismissive of the illness and a cruel distraction to patients from finding the real physical cause and getting their physical abilities back to be able to move on with an active normal life. At worst I believe these methods to be abuse and bullying of the physically disabled who could indeed have a very real physical cause to their illness, pain and loss of physical function; which no amount of exercise, rest, happy thoughts on their own, or further abuse will cure. This may occur due to the lack of understanding of the biochemical and physical cause of the illness in patients and so I hope my book and story might improve this.
It is possible that because of the nature of these results and treatment there may be some who would not wish them to be released to the public or other patients.
Keeping going.
I purchased a number of books on the subject and tried various different private treatments with different practitioners. I put everything I had into getting my health back. I was essentially homeless. I’ve also put a huge amount of effort into writing the book; four years of very hard work in most of my spare time. Two complete rewrites for legal purposes and emailing over 150 contacts for checking and permissions to include various important parts of content. The publishing and printing process has been long, complicated and detailed, more so than I had first imagined. Then once the book had been printed I moved on to developing and paying for the website myself. I have turned down offers of times out to stay in and complete it, I did give up on it a few times but then in the end came back to get it done. I’ve financed it all myself. I’ve come up against stumbling blocks and many costs have been incurred.
This is not the reason to buy the book, I have been happy to do it and it is my choice as I felt it important to make the detailed information available. It has not been easy. But then are things worth doing ever easy and cost free? The rest is down to you guys if you would like to read my story, for yourselves.
I should mention the answer had been in front of me all the time; I had come across the cause as was found in my case a few times over the years, reading about it both online and in books, but had dismissed it completely, I couldn’t see how it was relevant to me and my symptoms. Only after the medical test results came back did I eventually see this had been it all along. For this reason I have gone into detail in the book to explain the links, testing methods, findings and related biochemistry. The full process I went through. It was a big aha moment when the final result came back from the doctor. Then it made sense and I could see how this had led to the illness. I honestly feel if I just told you, you would dismiss it too as a cause of illness. The processes and background leading up to finding the cause was important.
No-one was going to do it for me...
A very big lesson I learnt through having M.E. is that no-one else was going to get me well; I had to do it myself.  I had to find out how to get well. This meant taking responsibility and action for my own health and not waiting for others to make me well. I realised I had to do it for me.
By law I am not allowed to say this or any book or treatment will help anyone else and by law I cannot advise anyone to undertake or not undertake any particular test or treatment. But legally I can publish my own medical documents and results.
Strict confidentiality laws prevent anyone else communicating my medical results in any way. My NHS doctor cannot share my results with anyone and neither can any of the private practitioners I have consulted or the laboratories who carried out the testing. 
Only I myself can share my medical results and documents and so I have in through this book which I have put to together so the full science and context are explained. Otherwise the results will simply sit unlooked at on my medical files, unshared and private. I also paid for the testing, so they are my intellectual property to publish.
The few people that I have spoken to about the cause of my illness ask me …are you angry at what was found after so long? I try not to be. What happened to me could happen to anyone. All the more reason to publish my book, to put it behind me and move forward with my life.
My priority has been to make the book available to anyone who wished to read my recovery story, and I am glad this is completed. It’s all done and available. For you.
It's over to you.  To move forward, onwards and upwards; finding and dealing with the cause of ME/CFS effectively. 
Catching up on life.
I have a lot of catching up to do, life to be living and fun to have. My friends and peers in have become well advanced in their careers, some becoming successful lawyers, teachers, business owners, PhD doctors, web developers and successful in finance careers, while I was unwell and mostly housebound with what turned out to be a detectable and treatable illness for over 15 years..... I have some catching up to do, I’m getting there! My future will be more about my moving on. Life after ME/“CFS” whatever may come!
Over to you!
I wrote the book containing the information for everyone still suffering.  I do hope it helps inspire others to find the cause of the illness in their case too and they can also recover. I’d really love to hear and read of others go on to write their own recovery stories.  I look forward to it!
Most gratefully I can now walk or run away. Leave the illness behind. I leave the book and information behind for those still going through it.
For more information or if you’d like to purchase the book please see my website
Don’t buy the book for me, buy it for you. I wrote it for you.
The absolute best wishes to you all.




  1. That's great you have recovered, very inspiring. It's a shame you had wasted 15years to this disease. I have some questions out of curiosity. How easy is the information provided in the book to understand? What if a person's test results are not similar to your own and yet they have the same diagnosis? How do they go about treatment? Do you believe what you found is applicable to other chronic illnesses that feature chronic fatigue such as fibromyalgia?

  2. Hi Fibrogeek, thank you, the feedback I've had so far is that my book is well written and the layout is good. I did write it carefully in an easy to understand way, taking into account not everyone who reads it will have a medical or scientific background. I have covered the other tests and treatments I undertook also, so these may be worthwhile for others too. I do cover in detail how I went about the treatments and where I obtained them. I list the medical practitioners I consulted also. It is very possible that the cause of illness in my case could be applicable to other illnesses, this is absolutely an area for further research and if others with those illnesses also get the same results that I have then this would show there is a link. Yes, 15 years was an awful long time and I'm so glad I am recovered. Very best wishes.
